Here we have runestone Ög 197 – dated to 980-1015 (Viking Age) in Mjölby, Sweden with following inscription:
“Végautr raised these stones in memory of Þorgautr, his brother -“
Rune reading:
⁑ uikutr ⁑ risþi ⁑ stina ⁑ þisi ⁑ ift(i)(ʀ) ⁑ [þu]rkut × bruþur ⁑ sin
Old West Norse:
Végautr reisti steina þessa eptir Þorgaut, bróður sinn.
Runestones are protected by law in Scandinavia, and were often carved in memorial of a fallen family member. Many stones are also erected and carved in memory of a road, a bridge building or after seafaring Vikings.